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Posts posted by suffie63

  1. Met vers blad kan ook maar ik zou het zelf laten drogen omdat dan de meeste thc in de roomboter komt.

    Zou je deze stelling willen onderbouwen ?

    Puur uit interesse en ter verbetering.

    Ik zie er namelijk geen reden toe aangezien de beschikbare hoeveelheid THC gelijk is.

  2. Wazzie is de reden om weer eens in te loggen.

    Dit jaar gaan er na 2 jaren braakliggen weer 3 plantjes de volle grond in.

    Wie weet volgt er een kweekverslag.

    Ook is er noodzaak aan het grondig evalueren van de huidige stand van zaken in 0031 en volstaat het rapporteren van problemen niet meer.

    We dienen niet weg te lopen van ons gedoogsysteem, integendeel, we dienen NU te optimaliseren en de vrucht van legalisatie te plukken.

  3. Engelstalige reportage !



    Children of the cannabis trade investigates how Vietnamese children forced to work underground in the booming cannabis trade, held hostage by debt and poverty, are often prosecuted as criminals rather than victims of trafficking when discovered.


    With the Vietnamese government now announcing a nationwide push for export labour, and the increasing demand for home-grown cannabis in the UK, the exploitation of Vietnamese children for criminal profit in the drugs industry is a disturbing trend that shows no signs of abating.


    Here Mei-Ling McNamara, the producer of this episode of People & Power, writes about the making of Children of the cannabis trade.


    For almost a decade, police in Britain have been struggling to cope with an explosion of criminality connected to the country's flourishing but illegal cannabis trade. This has grown rapidly in recent years because of a huge rise in the number of secret indoor cannabis farms - hidden away in suburban dwellings and disused premises across the country. As the authorities shut down more of these operations every year, so more spring up in their place - many of them tied into an expanding network of organised crime, corruption and violence.


    Back in 2004, the police made an especially sinister discovery about the trade - that Vietnamese children and teenagers were being trafficked across the world for use as slave labour in the farms. Remarkably, Vietnamese crime gangs run many of the illegal cannabis operations in the UK and often use children - exploitable because their families are in debt bondage to moneylenders in their native country - to work on a production process that exists to meet spiralling demand for the drug on the streets of Britain.


    The cannabis farms can be extraordinarily profitable, but little if any money is lavished on the premises or on the conditions under which the children toil. Set up in private residences or industrial sites, often gutted for the purposes, the operations can involve thousands of indoor cannabis plants.


    Boys and girls - some as young as 13, many not older than 16, are forced to work as 'gardeners', trapped inside the buildings, 24 hours a day, tending and watering the plants behind blacked-out windows with no ventilation. Eating, sleeping and working under heat lamps and exposed daily to toxic chemicals, they run a constant risk of electrocution and fire. And all the time they face the violence, intimidation and extortion of gang members who are determined to wring everything out of them until their debts are paid off - if that day ever comes.


    But when the police identify and raid the premises - and such raids are increasingly common - the plight of these young people is far from over. More often than not they are treated as offenders in the narcotics business, rather than as potential victims of trafficking.


    Moreover, as many of them are psychologically disturbed by the emotional and physical trauma they have experienced, they are often terrified of revealing their stories to the police - not least because of fears that if they talk, their family members back in Vietnam will be punished for their failure to pay off outstanding debts owed to moneylenders connected to the gangs.


    A vicious cycle


    Vietnamese children now make up the largest group of children being trafficked into the UK, primarily for exploitation in the cultivation of cannabis. According to the UK government's CEOP organisation (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre), nearly 300 children per year are trafficked into the country - and nearly a quarter can end up on cannabis farms.


    If they are recovered by authorities they are under extreme pressure to abscond from care, with traffickers often making threats. Once bailed or released from custody, nearly two-thirds of Vietnamese children go missing from local authority care soon after.


    According to anecdotal reports from care advisers, some are re-trafficked and return to a new cannabis farm, while others go back to their traffickers to pay off debts and avoid deportation. The threat of violence against a child or their family members is used as a powerful tool to ensure cooperation.


    Many Vietnamese minors have been charged, prosecuted and sentenced for the production and supply of cannabis, but only 58 children last year were deemed trafficked when found in these environments. And to date, there have been no known convictions of Vietnamese criminals who have trafficked children into the UK for the purpose of cannabis cultivation.


    Networks may specifically recruit children, as they are less likely to be detained or accommodated in secure premises then adults and are able to re-enter exploitation with relative ease.


    UK's cannabis explosion


    Ten years ago, only 11 per cent of the marijuana used in the UK was grown domestically. Now that figure has grown to nearly 90 per cent. The cannabis trade is so lucrative, authorities say, that they fear the mass surplus is even being exported to EU countries.


    Last year, UK law enforcement uncovered 1.3 million cannabis plants worth an estimated $410m. One house can produce cannabis worth up to $500,000 or more a year and during 2010, the police found nearly 7,000 factories during raids - the number has increased by 900 per cent in the past six years.


    The UK authorities estimate that 75 per cent of the criminal gangs involved in this trade are ethnically Vietnamese, although local British and Eastern European gangs are beginning to muscle in. However, research has found that even in these circumstances, Vietnamese 'gardeners' are still used to cultivate the cannabis plants because they are sold on to or taken over by the incoming gang.


    Trafficking victims have been found in all regions of England and Wales - most frequently in West Yorkshire, the West Midlands and Greater London. Now some are being discovered in Scotland, and cannabis factories have also been identified in Northern Ireland.


    Although an increasing number of police forces are identifying Vietnamese cannabis farms locally, the ability and ease with which networks can relocate at a national level (including the relocation of trafficked children) and thereby evade the police, ensures that the number of children trafficked and exploited in cannabis farms is likely to remain at a high level.


    Coercion, recruitment and debt bondage


    Vietnam is one of the poorest countries in south-east Asia, and the country is heavily reliant on an estimated $2bn worth of remittances paid by Vietnamese workers overseas. Last year, nearly 100,000 migrants went abroad for work.


    In these circumstances the door is wide open for exploitation, both by illegal labour agencies and traffickers posing as potential recruiters for overseas employers. It is not uncommon for Vietnamese labour export companies, most of which are state-affiliated, to charge workers well in excess of the fees allowed by law, sometimes demanding as much as $20,000 up front for the opportunity to work abroad.


    Paying such sums back is extraordinarily difficult and Vietnamese expatriate workers and economic migrants are consequently highly vulnerable to debt bondage and forced labour. On arrival in destination countries, many workers find themselves compelled to work in dangerous or substandard conditions for little or no pay with no credible avenues of legal recourse. When the work itself is illegal, as is often the case, then the authorities are the last people to whom the workers can turn for help.


    Debt bondage is common, with the trafficking and criminal networks determining the amount of money the bonded worker will have to pay off through unpaid labour. The debt notionally covers travel arrangements, accommodation, food and trafficker fees, but the sums are often inflated and can take several years to work off. In the UK, debt bondage sums have been found to range from between $25,000 and $60,000.


    In Vietnam, traffickers, often posing as 'middlemen' for the export labour market, will target isolated children or vulnerable families living in relative poverty. They may make false promises about a better life for the child in the UK, with the opportunity of education or work for the child so that they can support themselves or their relatives back home. A debt will often be placed on the child or their family that cannot afford the travel costs, often secured against a relative's land.


    Some of the victims are sent to Russia with fake ID cards and then travel to the Czech Republic, Germany and France, entering the UK by clandestine methods via a seaport. Upon arrival, they are ripe for exploitation by the gangs who bring them straight to cannabis factories. They usually know their families back home and are aware of the debt that must be paid off.


    The criminal networks involved in the recruitment, transportation and exploitation of the children are well organised, flexible and generate large sums mainly from the cultivation and wholesale distribution of cannabis.


    Agents often provide travel documents but then take these documents off the children once they have been used, recycling them for use with other children. Agents trafficking Vietnamese victims often take back or instruct the child to destroy documentation before entering the UK. Without documentation, it is difficult to question the true identity, age and origin of a child, preventing or delaying removal and protecting the traffickers, thus keeping their trade underground.


    People & Power




    El Paso Field Office

    (U) Administrative Note: This product reflects the views of El Paso Division and has not been vetted by FBI Headquarters.

    (U) This information is the property of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and may be distributed to state, tribal, or local government law enforcement officials with a need-to-know. Further distribution without FBI authorization is prohibited. Precautions should be taken to ensure this information is stored and/or destroyed in a manner that precludes unauthorized access.

    (U//LES) The entire contents or any part thereof of this Situational Intelligence Report should not be provided to any media.

    24 February 2009

    (U//LES) Kopbusters.com: Officer Safety


    (U//LES) This Situational Intelligence Report (SIR) is forwarded to your organization for information and situational awareness. On 03 December 2008, the Odessa Police Department (OPD) in Odessa, Texas received a highly detailed anonymous letter from a local clergyman. The letter, purported to be written by a young woman in the Odessa, Texas area, gave numerous details regarding the interior, exterior and illegal activity within a residence located in Odessa, Texas.

    (U//LES) In the letter, the anonymous woman reported that her abusive boyfriend was operating a marijuana grow with over 80 marijuana plants in the residence. The letter indicated he was about to harvest and remove the plants. The letter detailed which room in the house was being utilized and that it had aluminum foil over the windows. The letter noted that the boyfriend had a silver Nissan Versa with the license plates removed. The letter also stated the vehicle was usually parked near the house, which had tinfoil



    covering the windows, an air conditioner near the bedroom window and $19,000 in cash stuffed in the fireplace.

    (U//LES) OPD initiated surveillance at the residence located in Odessa, Texas. It was determined that the address was a valid address and officers found the residence consistent with the details of the letter regarding the vehicles, AC unit, windows with aluminum foil and a chimney. Based on information found during the investigation, a search warrant for the residence was obtained.

    (U//LES) When the search warrant was executed, officers found the front door unlocked and the house nearly empty. There were grow lights in the room as described in the letter but the plants were two miniature Christmas trees. No marijuana plants were found in the residence. On one wall there was a poster informing the officers that they had been set up and were part of a “Kopbusters’ Internet” reality show and a shirt with the words “Free Yolanda” on it. As the search progressed the officers discovered that several rooms in the interior of the house were wired for streaming video and sound.

    (U//LES) It was later determined that Barry Cooper, CEO of Kopbusters, and a former narcotics investigator, arranged this ruse in an attempt to insinuate that the OPD officers were corrupt. Barry Cooper stated that he staged this fake drug house to shed light on 4th Amendment violations conducted by the OPD. Initially, Barry Cooper claimed that the OPD investigators lied in the affidavit, alleging that they indicated to the Judge that an unidentified informant made a narcotics purchase from the house. No mention of an informant was contained in the affidavit.

    (U//LES) Pursuant to an interview with Barry Cooper, he did not admit to producing the letter but subsequently made a statement that Kopbusters sent the letter. Cooper claimed within six months he will set-up on the OPD investigators again and that he is setting up pranks in other communities as he is going to make a new reality TV show out of them.


    (U//LES) Barry Cooper operates a website: Never Get Busted.com were he sells self-produced videos titled “Never Get Busted Again,” “Never Get Raided” and a police training video on locating hidden compartments he made while still an interdiction officer. These videos show viewers how to “conceal their stash,” “avoid narcotics profiling” and “fool canines every time,” according to the website. Barry Cooper is a proponent for the legalization of marijuana and was a Libertarian candidate for U.S. Congress District 31 in Texas. Barry Cooper lives in Tyler, Texas and appears strongly motivated to prove his contention that marijuana should be decriminalized and enjoys the publicity generated by this ruse. He has stated an intention to operate again in Odessa, Texas and elsewhere. Barry Cooper and his associates at Kobusters.com have shown the technical ability to stage this type of action and the knowledge to hire “actors” to execute this type of ruse in order to further substantiate their false claims.




    (U//LES) Based on available data and media coverage of this ruse, FBI El Paso currently assesses the actions of Barry Cooper and his associates at Kobbusters.com as low. The success of the assessment/disruption is dependent upon local law enforcement participating in the coordination to disrupt and dispute any claims filed on Barry Cooper and his associates at Kobbusters.com.

    (U//LES) Should your agency have or collect intelligence regarding the captioned matter, please forward it to the El Paso Division FBI/Midland Resident Agency.

    (U) This bulletin has been prepared by the El Paso Division of the FBI. Comments and queries may be addressed to the FBI Field Intelligence Group at 915-832-5009. UNCLASSIFED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSTIVE






    Agenten hebben gistermorgen om half zes twee mannen bekeurd die slapend en zonder vergunning aan het vissen waren aan de Hogeweg in Aardenburg. De dienaars van de wet ontwaarden daar tentjes langs de oever, waaruit luid gesnurk klonk.

    Daarbuiten lagen hengels. Nadat een agent de verklikkers aan de hengels tot drie keer toe liet afgaan, kwam er beweging in één van de tentjes. Een visser maakte zich kenbaar en wekte zijn maat. Daarop kregen beiden een bekeuring.




    Stel de overheidsbestedingen eens in vraag, zeker nu we nog steeds geen regering hebben.

    Waarom besteden we fortuinen aan "drugsbestrijding" ?

    Slechte investeringen worden in het bedrijfsleven door de aandeelhouders niet geaccepteerd. Waarom slikken we de belachelijke bestedingen van de overheid ?

    Dit wisten we toch al jaren ?(met dank aan Jack Herer) .

  6. Al surfend naar goedkope scheermesjes kwam ik het volgende tegen:



    De Bodytest THC controleert de aanwezigheid van THC en bijproducten als 11-nor-9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic in een urinemonster. THC (9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is het meest actieve bestanddeel van cannabinoïden (marihuana). Deze stof veroorzaakt het “stoned” gevoel na het gebruiken van cannabis. THC is een kankerverwekkende stof en is van negatieve invloed op een gezonde geest. Het vermindert het korte termijngeheugen, zorgt voor concentratieproblemen, apathie en zou psychosen in de hand werken.



  7. Jack and I moved into a rental house in a remote area of Lake County, California about two or three years ago. Chuck Jacobs moved in shortly after that. He said he needed a place to stay and our home has always been open to just about anyone. I’d never met Chuck before we moved to Lake County but he seemed to be an okay guy.


    Roland A. Duby was living with us, too, and was Jack’s driver/assistant/friend. He decided to go back to Kentucky to run for sheriff and Chuck took over his job. Jack and Chuck started spending more and more time on the road, while I stayed home and took care of websites. I post cannabis news on Jack’s website, MySpace, Facebook, Current, Twitter, WeedTracker, and a few others.


    I’ve been expressing concern for a long time about Jack’s work schedule being so hectic because he had a major stroke 10 years ago and major heart surgery about five years ago. But he started taking Rick Simpson’s hemp oil and was getting stronger and stronger. Earlier this year, he broke six ribs when he fell in a bathroom in a motel he and Chuck were staying in. His ribs healed up completely in one month. I believe this is because of the oil.


    In July of this year, I found another house closer to town with a guest house in the back where Chuck could have his own bachelor pad so Jack and I could finally have some privacy. It was OK with the landlord to grow in the yard. We’re all legal patients. The day Jack and Chuck paid the deposit on the new house is the same day I found out that Chuck had arranged for friends of his to come out from Indiana to live in the house I thought we were going to move out of, and take care of our garden which was supposed to be going to the new house where I would be watering it. We only had a few small plants at the time. Instead we would be paying rent on two houses and supporting four more people for the next several months.


    We never did move into the new house. We both knew we couldn’t afford it so I asked Jack if I should just give the new landlord 30 days notice and get the deposit back. He said yes and apologized for messing things up with it. He told me we’d work everything out and give up the old house after the harvest.


    The week before we rented the house in Lower Lake that we never moved into, my nephew, who lives in Carson City, Nevada, called and said he was scheduled to get a serious operation and asked me if I could come out and help him for a month. At first I said I wouldn’t be able to because I was the only one home to take care of the garden, but when I found out Chuck’s friends would be there, I told him I would come out and help him. Shortly after I got to Carson City, his operation was postponed because of insurance problems.


    I lived in Carson City when I was a teenager and have only been back a few times since then. I’ve always loved the old west feeling and told Jack how I had forgotten how much I liked it. He said I should look for a place there for us to open up a head shop. I was surprised he would think of opening a store there. I love Carson City but I can’t stand cold winters. Plus I don’t have any experience with running a store.


    He told me he wanted me to go to Portland, Oregon for a couple of weeks and work at the store his kids and Captain Ed’s kids own there, so I could get some experience. In the meantime, I started looking at shops with realtors.


    I dropped off copies of Jack’s books and video at the Sheriff’s office and donated copies to the library. I set up a blog for Jack on the Nevada Appeal website and updated it with hemp news every day. Then I met an ex-policeman who asked me what I was going to do when the police planted a pound of pot on me because I was an activist trying to change the laws. I finally decided this was not the right time to go to prison and told Jack I was going to look for us a house in Santa Rosa.


    I found a place on Craigslist that seemed great. Two chefs looking for 420 friendly roommates. (I’m not much of a cook.) They both work a lot so we’d have plenty of time to have some privacy for the first time in years. It was a big house where we had our own bathroom, huge room and lots of extra storage.


    I looked for Chuck a place nearby and found a couple of 420 friendly roommate situations for him that I told Jack about but I don’t know if he ever told Chuck or not.


    During this time, a couple of more people moved into the old house. Eve Lentz was one of them. Jack told me she was there to help edit the mushroom book. I was glad to hear it because he’d been working on it since before I met him and I knew how important it is to him. There are some major problems with the book, though.


    Jack and Chuck left to go to the Seattle, Olympia and Portland hemp festivals. I started looking for a job in Santa Rosa because I didn’t want Jack to have to work so hard to make a living for us. The rent on the new place was only $750 a month so I figured he’d be able to slow down a lot.


    Then I got the call that Jack had a heart attack in Portland. Right away friends started telling me that Jack had been taking acid and ecstasy at the festivals and was worn down and tired. I was so angry because Jack’s health isn’t good enough for him to be taking those kinds of drugs anymore. I’ve seen him have some very bad experiences with them in the past and had asked Chuck to please make sure he didn’t take acid.


    Then I got a call that my dad had a heart attack in Tulsa, Oklahoma on that same day. Thank God, he survived it and is back at home now.


    I flew to Portland and asked a nurse if I could use Rick Simpson oil on some diabetic sores he had on his legs. They said no but I kept telling them about it and how great it is for Jack. He’s been taking it for over a year. I'll write more about this part later.


    At some point, the social worker told me a woman I’d never met or heard of before, Joy Graves, had shown up with a medical power of attorney that Jack allegedly signed right before his heart attack, making Joy and Chuck the people in charge of his medical decisions. Their legal department said it was incomplete and probably forged and wanted to talk to Joy about it but she never did go talk to them. They decided it wasn’t a legal document.


    When it was time for Jack to be released from the hospital, I wanted to take him back to California but was told it would cost me $6,000 to transport him there because his insurance didn’t cover it. We get by month to month and don’t have savings or property so instead I paid $600 for him to be moved to Eugene, where his daughter and some of our good friends live.


    He went to Hillside Rehab but they weren’t ready for him when he got there. They didn’t have his insulin or diabetic food for his tube. His blood sugar was over 400 for two days. On the third day I asked them to take him to a hospital. When he got to Sacred Heart Hospital his blood sugar was 488.


    They wanted me to sign a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) form. The doctor explained that if he had another heart attack, he wouldn’t be able to survive it but if I didn’t sign the paper, they would still have to pound on his chest and possibly crack his chest and also shock him, which they had already done at the festival and he still had burn marks on his chest. He said that when people die a natural death, endorphins are released that make them more comfortable at the end but not when you do that.


    So I agreed that if he had another heart attack while he was in there, they were not to torture him that way. But in all other ways, they were to take the best care and do everything they could to save him if something happened. There are several parts to a DNR and you can customize it how you want it.


    Joy Graves refuses to return my calls but I’ve heard the reason she’s doing this to Jack is because of the DNR. I don’t know what the truth is.


    After three days in the hospital he was stable again and moved to Avamere Riverpark Rehab. A few days later he fell out of bed about 4:00 in the morning. He had lumps on his head and bruises on his eyelids. He seemed pretty traumatized for about three days and then started feeling better.


    After being here with him every day since September 13, I needed to go back to California, clear out the Santa Rosa house, get some paperwork I needed for Jack’s insurance, get our cat, my computer and some clothes because I knew we were going to be in Eugene for a few months at least. I went to do this last weekend.


    I asked Elvy Musikka and Sharon Cohen to please check on Jack a few times while I was gone for three days. They called me when I was driving back and said the nursing home had kicked them out because Joy Graves had shown up with the paper and they accepted it as being legal and there was a list of people who could see Jack and they weren’t on it. I called the nursing home and they confirmed it and said I wasn’t on the list either. Despite this, they agreed to let me see him yesterday and the day before.


    After Jack’s heart attack, several people said to me that he recently told them he was heartbroken that I had left him. But I hadn’t left him. I was waiting for him to come home after the Portland festival and he knew that.


    Now Eve is saying that’s not what he wanted and he planned to break up with me. She is trying to get me to believe that Jack talks to her at the nursing home when I’m not there. As far as I can tell, Jack is still trying to talk but isn’t able to yet. The people who run the nursing home won’t tell me if this is true or not. I just want Jack to get better so I can find out what he really wants. I love him very much and he’ll always be my hero.


    Jack gave me a purpose in life. He made me believe that we can really change the world with hemp and everyone will be happier and healthier for it. I believe that and I’ll keep working for it, no matter what.




  8. Vraag 5/16:

    "Combineer je cannabis weleens met alcohol of andere illegale drugs?" :lol:




    Ps. score: 6

    Inderdaad een hilarische vraag. Ik had`m ook al afgedrukt.


    Ik blow niet maar damp.

    Had dan ook een zeer lage score.


  9. vr 16 okt 2009, 21:28 | 5 reacties




    Bijna een op de 25 mensen wereldwijd (4 procent) gebruikt cannabis. Het gaat daarbij om personen tussen de 15 en 64 jaar.


    De drug wordt het meest genoten in de Verenigde Staten, gevolgd door Australië, Nieuw-Zeeland en Europa. Dat meldden Australische wetenschappers in het medisch vakblad The Lancet. Zij baseren zich op cijfers van de Verenigde Naties uit 2006 en op meerdere onderzoeken.


    Ongeveer 9 procent van de gebruikers van cannabis raakt verslaafd. Bij nicotine is dat 32 procent en bij heroïne 23 procent.



  10. Nah, KD. meestal volstaat(/stond) Onzin&Co :wacko:

    Licht uit, spot ook.

    Levert wel geweldige topics op, snuffel er eens rond, heerlijk bij een hiGH af en toe.



  11. Stoppen met roken is nooit verkeerd en stoppen met blowen is niet meer dan gewoon geen cannabis nuttigen.

    Of ben jij ook zo`n malloot die een portie met zich meeneemt op vakantie ?


    een verdamper aanschaffen :wacko: lekker high

    Ik kan het niet beter verwoorden, ash.



  12. letterhead.jpg


    Dear Suf,


    The contrast is unbelievable.


    On one hand, we are accelerating our impact: We are close to receiving endorsements from police unions at home and in Europe, I am testifying before the Danish Parliament and the Brazilian Commission on Drugs and Democracy, we enjoyed recent coverage on CNN… And in a New York Times.com article, Misha Glenny acknowledged that LEAP is the "most effective" drug reform organization in America.


    We are gaining strength, making a difference and will not be denied.


    On the other hand, our growing success has come at a time when many major donors have been forced to cut back. We face a short term financial crisis. We are in the final stages of hiring a development director, but can't wait until s/he is on board to raise the funds that sustain LEAP's day-to-day operation. We need your help right now so we can continue playing the role in drug reform that only we can play.


    I am making a one-time appeal for your help to bridge a gap that threatens our continuing success in overthrowing the prohibition.


    You know how powerful our impact is. When we talk about not tinkering at the edges of reform but making meaningful changes in national policy, we can't be dismissed or marginalized.


    Please, make a generous, one-time donation to LEAP as soon as you can. You can use any credit card through our website, www.leap.cc or write us a check to the address below/above.


    I spent a quarter of a century as a warrior in this destructive war, and now, along with my fellow officers, we can bring an end to the madness of drug prohibition.


    But the LEAP support system is dangerously low on funds, and that is where you take the lead.


    You have the power to keep LEAP speakers in front of influential audiences, in person, through the media and on our website which had over a million visitors last year. Without your immediate help, our influence will diminish and the forces of prohibition will be strengthened.


    Please don't let that happen.


    Your tax-deductible contribution is your weapon. Please use it with conviction.


    And thank you so much for your past and present support.


    Jack A. Cole

    Executive Director











    121 Mystic Ave. Suites 8&9

    Medford, MA 01255

    (781) 393-6985 info@leap.cc


    All of this work happens because of generous donations from our supporters. Your gift to LEAP is tax-deductible. Donate now to show your commitment to ending the war on drugs.


    You received this e-mail because you are a supporter of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. We need help growing our all-encompassing movement of citizens who want to end the failed "war on drugs," so please invite your family and friends to learn about LEAP.

  13. Is het normaal dat een overheid bepaalt wat een volwassen mens in z`n/haar donder slaat om bij te komen van het hectische leven anno 2009 ?

    Bestaat er verschil tussen de bouwvakker (die na gedane arbeid onderuitgezakt bij Film 1 HD een pilsje nuttigt) en de alternatieveling (die na gedane arbeid een jointje opsteekt om te mijmeren over werk en maatschappij) ?


    De dealer van de eerste betaalt accijns en BTW. Voor de producent van deze legale drug is de kostprijs voor energie doorberekenbare last.


    De dealer van de tweede heeft een logisch dilemma.

    Zo`n 100 jaar geleden heeft de wereld kennisgenomen van een weldoener op wereldschaal. Alle stoffen zijn synthetiseerbaar en alternatieven deugen niet.

    Kwestie van "belangrijke opponent" uitschakelen.


    Kern van dit betoog:

    "Steelt men om te stelen of wordt die tweede dealer in de onmogelijkheid gesteld alle kosten door te rekenen ?"


    Er is vraag naar binnenwiet, er zijn mensen die weten hoe men grote hoeveelheden produceert EN er is een wetgever die daarvan op de hoogte is.


    Menig wietkwekerT is voorstander van een ISO certificaat !



  14. DEN HAAG - Nederland zou moeten overwegen om accijns te heffen op cannabis, bovenop de omzetbelasting. Dat zei D66 kamerlid Boris van der Ham woensdag. Zijn partij stelde minister Wouter Bos van Financiën kamervragen naar aanleiding van het besluit van de Amerikaanse stad Oakland om aanvullende belasting te heffen op cannabis om extra inkomsten te creëren.


    D66 vroeg de minister onder meer te onderzoeken wat de extra belasting zou kunnen opleveren voor Nederland. „Het accijns hoeft maar een klein percentage van de prijs zijn, zo voorkom je dat mensen illegale softdrugs kopen”, aldus Van der Ham, die zelf vorige week in Oakland was en daar over de plannen hoorde. Volgens Van der Ham namen in Oakland cannabistelers zelf het initiatief voor de accijns om zo een bijdrage te leveren aan de samenleving.



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