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Changa: A smoking blend...

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Jawel ook Changa verdient hier de aandacht, en maakt duidelijk andere mogelijkheden en werkingen van DMT beschikbaar.

Mijn maat en ik roken, maken en ervaren Changa nu al een jaar of 2 (wonen aan de duinen/zee, de perfecte tripplek!) en ik merk dat de vraag en interesse voor Changa sterk toeneemt!


Hieronder wat informatie over Changa en het maken ervan, helaas alleen in het engels maar mischien heb ik ooit nog tijd om zelf een Nederlandse versie te schrijven.

Vergis je niet, Changa is echt iets anders dan alleen DMT in kristalvorm, maar ook weer niet, het kan hele andere mogelijkheden en belevingen bieden, en is veel socialer in gebruik met meerdere personen tegelijk, mits juist gedoseerd.


Changa: A smoking blend containing Ayahuasca, DMT and other herbs

Changa is the colloquial name I gave to a smoking mix, containing naturally sourced DMT, Banisteriopsis Caapi and other herbs, which when blended together, have a synergistic effect. Very simply, Changa allows people to smoke DMT more easily and to get more from their DMT smoking experience.


"Dreamleaf" or just "Dreamtime" is perhaps a more official name that has been given to this material. Yet "Changa" (Chang-ah) is very definitely the Proper Australian slang name for this blend, which may make some Australian's wince and/or smile, and people from other countries to raise an eyebrow or two!


In order to make Changa, a blend of herbs are simply infused with the DMT, which is easily dissolved into alcohol or any form of ethanol.


It is true that a few people have been dissolving DMT into herbs for many decades for smoking, yet it is the combination of the DMT with Ayahuasca vine and the intelligent alchemy of this combination, similar to an Ayahuasca brew, which gives Changa its unique nature and power.


However, my preferred method is to melt the DMT on a plate or tray with a few dozen militres of high quality Vodka (such as “Russian Standard”), which the DMT then dissolves into.


The herbs are then added to the tray or the plate and stirred extremely well! This method dries quite quickly as well - whereas, dissolving the DMT into cold ethanol just takes more time to dry. However, the result is basically the same.


A basic and standard ratio for much of the Changa that many people make is around 25% DMT content by weight. So, within 1 gram of Changa, at this strength, there is 250mg of DMT; and within 4 grams of Changa, there is 1 gram of DMT. This equates to 30 light experiences, 20 pretty decent experiences, and 10 much stronger experiences.


However, a 30% blend is of stronger, with 40-50% being very strong - equating to, or exceeding the strength of smoking freebase DMT by itself.


This standard ratio of DMT within Changa was never designed to provide a fully immersive, "out of body" hyperspatial experience - although, as most people who work with DMT know, sometimes it only takes a little to really take you there.


The point of Changa is that the high dose DMT experience is something that people may only want to visit once or a few times in their life. With Changa, people can access DMT comfortably, in a way that is likely to be beneficial, but not require days or years of defragging!


However, for that fully immersive experience, most people generally need from 50mg to even as much as 150mg DMT - and most people find this sort of amount difficult to smoke in a freebase pipe.


For that fully immersive experience via Changa, I would recommend people either quickly smoke 2-3 successive bong or pipe hits or even 1 big pipe. It just depends on how much Changa people use in their pipe cone and how refined or coarse the herbs are.


If people are NOT using a 30-50% Changa blend, I generally recommend smoking DMT through a water bong, and wedge the amount of DMT they want to smoke between a layer of Passionflower and/or finely shredded Ayahusaca vine so the lighter flame does make direct contact with the DMT. And then they simply should smoke it all in one hit. The effaciousness of the DMT is dependant on getting the most DMT to the system in the shortest amount of time!


Many people around the world, are beginning to smoke Changa through a pipe device called a "Vaporgenie" This pipe is a simple and inexpensive way to vaporise smoking herbs in a small, regular looking pipe. The result is a smoother smoke that many swear is "the way" to smoke Changa.


The primary advantage of Changa over freebase DMT, is that the MAOI’s and the other herbs work together to give a longer lasting, smoother experience - which is easier and less harsh to smoke than smoking freebase DMT.


The key herb to be used in Changa is Banisteriopsis Caapi, which should consist of at least 25% of the herbs used in order to be effective. Both leaf and vine from the plant can be used, with leaf providing a smoother, "higher" smoke and the vine itself, providing an earthier, more potent effect.


The basic theory in using Caapi is that you are making something of a smokeable Ayahuasca brew - combining the vine, the DMT and other admixture plants into a whole that works to provide a synergistic effect.


The other admixture plants in Ayahuasca brews, are typically activated by the presence of the Caapi, which by themselves, say, are often not normally so potent.


We figure that any herb used in Changa is potentised by a factor of 10, say. So the herb Mullein, a potent lung herb, normally made up as a tea; when smoked in a Changa blend, has the potential to give the most fantastic and instantaneous lung healings. This sort of healing has traditionally only been possible with ayahuasca brews.


When available, I prefer combining leaf and vine in various ratios. It is important to shred the vine finely enough so that it burns properly, although powdered vine may often be too fine when combined with other herbs.


Good vine will provide a nice afterglow after the experience has worn off, whereas, vine leaf will not normally provide this. Cielo or Yellow Ayahuasca vine is recommended, although any type of Caapi will work fine as long as it is over 3-4 years old, and thicker than a humans thumb.


So the basic theory behind Changa, is that very small amounts of smoked harmine, even in the realm of 100 micrograms to 1mg, can effect as much as a 50% MAO-A inhibition and beyond. Furthermore, it is known that Caapi extract is is 100 to 1000 fold more potent than isolated harmine as an MAO-A inhibitor. (Schwarz et al. 2003)


This MAO-A inhibition appears to occur as instantaneously, as say, the effects of smoking freebase recreational drugs such as Cocaine or Methamphetamine.


This MAO-A inhibition enables what previously would be a three minute experience to become a 15 minute experience, or even an experience lasting half an hour to an hour.


Changa has been commonly reported to consist of simply Banisteriopsis Caapi Leaf and DMT, and this recipe of course works very well and has a very smooth quality to it, but it tends to lack a certain colorful alchemy and flavour of the other admixture herbs.


Any herb or plant can be used in Changa, and many are being used by many different people around the world, in many different ratios and blends.


It should be kept in mind that the Ayahuasca element activates the herbs used, and each new herb may not have the desired effect or an unpredictable effect. As an example, we have noticed that the addition of Skullcap at 20% of the herbs used, tends to put people to sleep after smoking Changa!


So, a "classic" and "original" Changa blend, which has lasted the test of time, looks something like this:


30% Ayahuasca Vine

20% Mullein

20% Passionflower

20% Peppermint

5% Calendula

5% Blue Lotus (both these last two flowers, must be added in after combining the DMT in order to preserve their colour and texture)


Mullein can also be substituted with Coltsfoot, another powerful lung herb, which tends to have more of an expectorant quality too. This can be good for people’s lungs; but can also become a bit involved, snotty and noisy for many people! In general, I prefer Mullein, because of its fluffy consistency and more benign effect.


The Passionflower provides another MAOI imprint as well giving a nice calming, sedative effect, which counteracts and balances out the awakening and brightening effect of DMT.


The Peppermint is added to smooth out the smoke and give the blend a more pleasant taste. In fact, a good blend should be like not smoking anything at all - it is that transparent!


Calendula is a classic nurturing and all round healing flower and is added for vibrational support of its qualities.


Blue Lotus or Lily (or any of psychoactive lilys or lotuses) gives the blend a "top note", and also adds a smoother taste, and can be used to up to about 20% of the mixture.


Damiana is also another herb that can be used, adding a pleasant warmth and euphoria to the blend.


When available, Justica Pectoralis, is very nice in the Changa blend, and is effective at around 10% of the herbal content. Justica seems to have a balancing and smoothing effect upon the bodies utilisation of tryptamines, and its flowers are traditionally added to tryptamine snuffs used in the Amazon.


All the herbs should be "groomed", so that all sticks and inconsistent stems and so on are removed. A coffee grinder can be used on "burst" setting to ensure that the herbs are consistently sized. Some prefer a very fine blend, so that more can be smoked in a cone. Some prefer a more full bodied blend, with larger herbal bits and pieces.


Some have reported that small amounts of Salvia Divinorum leaf in a Changa blend brings out the best of this plant.


In regards to adding Marijuana to Changa, I generally feel this plant is best left to people's individual relationship, rather than adding it to a blend that many may partake of.


Some people have been adding small amounts of Brugmansia or Datura flowers to their blend. Interestingly, this flower is added to the Ayahuasca brews in the Amazon and is said to increase the visual aspect of the brew. Most shamans would not even consider taking this plant on its own, and consider the usage of this plant in brews something that one must be very careful with, because if you add too much, the effects can be variously undesirable, though not likely dangerously so.


Definitely, 5-MEO-DMT should not combined with MAOI's at any point, at any stage, and again, 5-MEO-DMT is quite strong enough by itself!


I am yet to be convinced that any other research chemicals or additives in a Changa like blend are useful or "better" than natural DMT.


Personally, I feel the use of Syrian Rue is an un-necessary addition, and the seeds will largely be quite unpleasant to smoke. Although friends have reported that the addition of a simple Manske extract of crystalline harmaline has additional benefits - yet this may be too strong for many people, and I have never seen why this would be necessary.


Harmine and of course, Tetrahydroharmine, from the Banisteriopsis Caapi vine, are the key alkaloids in Changa which have a wondrous synergy with DMT in low doses. Friends have been reporting very pleasant effects, by soaking or heating up a solvent (such as Acetone or Ethanol) with shredded vine and/or leaf, and then making something like an 10X Ayahuasca Leaf blend, with the alkaloids, say from, 100 grams of leaf, infused into 10 grams of leaf. Although again, many find the resulting effect to be too strong.


I use DMT from different Acacia species, such as the rather common Australia wattle trees species - Acacia Obtusifolia and Acacia Acuminata. Obtusifolia is quite strong and visual in its effect and Acuminata is more gentle and relaxed.


People from outside of Australia will generally be using Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark, although a friend said to me once, said he thought using this tree in Changa would be like "kissing your sister!"


Synthetic DMT could be used, although naturally sourced DMT we find to be richer, have a smoother and more integrated imprint of a living organism, which tends to align with our living organism and provide the most relevant informational interchange. And then, each source of DMT is entirely different, with different qualities and "teachings" - simply because each plant species has a different spirit and communication.


Changa is largely a way that makes DMT more accessible and available to people. It is not addictive, as DMT is not addictive. And it is largely safe; I have not heard of anyone running into any real trouble with it. (whereas, inexperienced and normally uninformed people can sometimes scare themselves by smoking too much pure DMT)


Some people tend to keep reaching back for it, but most people tend to not persue it on a regular basis. I feel Changa is best smoked irregularly to get the most out of it. For some, Changa remains purely recreational... yet we find that, just with DMT, it will take you deeper and deeper. Some amount of respect is required to get the most out of it, which many learn in response to using it.


My personal experience is that there is a limit to the number of times I can smoke Changa in a row, usually about 3 or 4, and after that the experience tends to experientially degrade (although it will still be working just as well), although this does not appear to be at all an issue of physical tolerance, with some people able to keep smoking for many hours on end, without any lessening of effects.


When smoking by oneself, it is good to sit up or lie down and just experience the state.


When smoking with other people, it is best to be silent and just experience the state. Although dancing or singing is highly appropriate behaviour.


For most people, the initial state will be a feeling, an expanded state of awareness, similar the state of LSD or any psychedelic.


For many, the next step into the experience, will consist of geometric patterns and colors.


Others will have visual experiences, which tend to be coherent and appear to arise from an "alien realm" rather than being a mere projection of the individual body or mind. For some people, this may involve contact with entities not ordinarily visible to the human eye. These experiences tend to be highly vivid, and possibly very transformative, representing one of the more liberating possibilities of smoking DMT.


I believe that smoking DMT in this form is particularly beneficial to the few cultures where the existence of other realms or planes of being is generally not considered "real".


The general effect of Changa is normally healing - in which the mind, the body and psyche are integrated. DMT, as a "meta-neurotransmitter", allows the transmission of more information between neurons. The mind is stilled and the body quietens, and contact with the ineffable is often bridged. All this generally works to clear the mind, align the psyche and fulfill the spirit. People are then able to get on with their lives, with more perspective and perhaps more motivation.


It is quite common for people to give us decades long addictions to Crystal Meth or Cocaine after smoking Changa for the first time. Other individual reports of benefits are quite varied and vast.


Toxic effects from taking an MAOI is generally overstated as a "danger" within the west. In rare instances, people will report feeling ill from smoking Changa, with no known MAOI contraindications. However, people who have taken MDMA or those who are taking an SSRI may wish to avoid Changa, as there is the possibility of "Seratonin Syndrome" - which occurs when the body is overwhelmed by too much seratonin, and has some very unpleasant effects and in very rare instances could be life threatening if not treated.


Changa does tend combine well with many basic psychedelic substances such as LSD and it will also help a weak Ayahuasca brew "kick in" (likely due to the MAOI's) although I would suggest people who rely on Changa for a boost to their ayahuasca experience should simply increase the amount of DMT they are using in their brews.


Smoking Changa is probably no more or less detrimental than any other form of smoking, yet I would highlight this as a possible negative aspect which people should be very well aware of.


That being said, DMT is a powerful catalyst of change. Many people will have their eyes opened in a way that they may not feel they have been prepared for. There is normally no way to go back to the previous way of viewing the world once a new way of perceiving the world has become apparent.


Changa can open people's eyes and allow them a special and novel experience - but it is over the few hours that Ayhauasca or other DMT and MAOI preparations lasts, where often the greatest amount of inner work can be carried out.


Nonetheless, this DMT preparation is indeed quite special, and represents a user friendly medium which allow access to visionary states of great personal value and the medicinal power of plant alchemy.



- "The Chocolate Beast"


Verder is deze info (bron dmt-nexus.com) ook erg interessant:


When infused with particular herbs DMT evolves into an almost completely different experience. Electrically charged depth, colour and feeling ooze through you like a hot knife through butter, the herbs bring more into the experience than you could imagine possible. It is so easy to breakthrough, so simple to use and simply so amazing! Overall, any person who considers themselves a DMT enthusiast has to attempt this method of smoking at least once; in all honesty though it's the only way to fly.




Pau D'Arco: Rich and exuberant meadows of pleasure

Blue/White/Pink Lotus: A distinct pleasurable and bright character

Calea Zacatechichi: The dream herb allows for a perfect synergy

Passion Flower: MAOI which potentiates and lengthens the experience

Caapi: Adds a spirit quality and potentiates and lengthens the experience

Damiana: Unique vibrance and taste

Brugmansia Flowers: Distinct other wordly character

Silene Capensis: African dream herb

Peppermint: Adds fresh soothing qualities

Mullein: Respiratory healing and soothing qualities

Heimia Salicifolia: Increases auditory hallucinations

Justicia Pectoralis: Smoother taste and a nice smell

Salvia Divinorum: Acts as an opener and enabler

Chaliponga: Adds a spirit quality and more magic

Mugwort: Dream synergy and mystical powers

Pedicularis Densiflora: Psychoactive sedating effects

Sculcap: Strengthens, calms and sedates nervous system

Wild Letus: Strengthens, calms and sedates nervous system

Lions Tail: Euphoric smoking herb







White Sage




Harmala Extract






Ayahuasca Android: 70% Caapi - 30% Chaliponga

Dream Scape: 60% Calea - 40% Brugmansia

Electric Sheep: 50% Blue Lotus - 50% Calea

Minty Blast: 40% Capi - 35% Peppermint - 25% Mullein

The Mekong: 50% Passionflower - 50% Blue Lotus

Twisted Fruit: 50% Caapi - 20% Salvia - 30% Mugwort + Bufotenine


Personally, Pau D'Arco does it for me but Blue Lotus, Calea and Passion Flower are also very good.


Whats your favourite leaf to enhance DMT with?


In traditional Changa mixes a blend of herbs were used in combintion with an MAOI containing leaf, typically Caapi. However you don't have to research what leafs are going to work best together or worry about what ratios between different leafs are needed. To start off simply pick a herb from the list and use it as the stand alone ingredient for the Enhancement, this will give you a sure and thorough understanding of the effects of each leaf and is my preferred method. If further down the track you feel like experimenting you could then mix and match with the herbs you liked best or try out one of the suggested blends.


An important thing to remember when smoking Enhanced Leaf is to make sure you pull the cone slowly so it burns really well, the key idea here is heat which in turn will release all the DMT - as usual holding it in for around 10-20 seconds. If you smoke it too fast you won't vaporize all the DMT, practically throwing away your hard work, so make it count! My no doubt strongest experiences have been when I pulled the cone at a snails pace, burning every last bit of leaf to its potential. Although this is in reference to using a bong it would be assumed knowledge when using a pipe, however I feel a bong is the only effective means to a thorough experience. Depending on the size of the cone of course, a bong greatly increases the amount of smoke you can inhale in one go, which is important, and makes the smoke considerably smoother as it is cooled and replenished by the water.


I've found having a half cone to start with followed by a full one, after the effects plateau, makes the big cone come up much easier/faster/better as it allows the initial acceleration/adrenaline attributed to the first cone to subside before pushing further, creating a more relaxed and accepting atmosphere - for first time users its also good for gauging the strength. Essentially you have already taken off from the launch pad but at cruising speed, so when the boosters are turned on full power there isn't as much of a jolt making it smoother and crisper. This has become habitual for me as it allows the later experience to be more fulfilling and greatly minimizes the chances of too much too soon, which can become overwhelming if not prepared. However after the initial full acceleration has taken place I have yet to find that point of too much too soon and doubt it's even possible while existing in the Changa realm.


In my experience time of day and lighting has played a major role in the effects of different herbs as well. On large doses of MAOI containing leafs it doesn't much matter if it is day or night because the strength imposed completely rips you from existence. But when experimenting with the other herbs, specifically Pau D'Aro, I've found night time with very dim/dark/ambient lighting works best. For some reason the experience only properly activates when its dark, if done during the day a completely different effect is felt, all referring to eyes open. It's still enjoyable and different in its own right especially if done outside on a sunny day, but for a thorough experience a dark environment is needed. Usually having a light from a near by room or hallway marginally seeping through into the room you are in works well. Otherwise all lights off and a single tea light candle works a charm!


I've found the bong used has a substantial effect on the experience also. Fairly large bongs tend to dilute the smoke but is generally allot easier for inexperienced users. A small bong, around 10cm high, will give you a very strong and direct experience. The smoke goes straight from the cone to your lungs with very little air in the chamber to dilute it, but there is a definite technique to a successful hit and you need fairly tough and large lungs to stomach it - before your even half way through the cone you already have a decent amount of smoke in your lungs and by the time you finish it, sometimes not even been able to, you no longer have a clue about anything. The majority of my strongest experiences have been using a bong of that height and I've found there is a distinct difference between a big and small bong.


Part of why Enhanced Leaf is so good is due to the fact it's so easy to use which means you don't have to be completely sober to load up your next cone, fiddling with crystal etc. Not only this, but somehow each successive cone gets better and better with no tolerance (after 10 cones a subtle difference sometimes takes effect), even waiting as little as 5mins between attempts. It just keeps pushing further and further, making for some extremely elongated expeditions. It also looks like normal leaf and you could even put it back into the herbs original packaging making it extremely anonymous, compared to having crystal laying around. The smell, taste and feeling of the smoke is a really enjoyable experience as well, you feel every particle of smoke pass through your throat and fill your lungs like velvety gold atomic aroma - your face lights up just from this feeling let alone when the smoke starts to take effect.


Finally, when making it an important thing to remember is to let the herb completely dry out before having a taste as smoking acetone can make you feel painfully sick after a few cones. If your impatient like me and can't wait that extra day or two before it is completely dry, simply burn the cone before you blast off with a lighter then take it off and if it's still burning it means there's still acetone - just let it finish burning and you should be good to go. Lastly, if Harmala Extract wish to be used make sure it's a fairly clean product. WARNING: Mixing Harmalas with recreational/pharmaceutical SSRIs or stimulants can be potentially dangerous.


If you haven't already experienced the awe-striking beauty and magical brilliance of DMT Enhanced Leaf I would highly suggest you do.


For those who aren't familiar with how to make Enhanced Leaf the following was borrowed from The DMT Handbook, be sure to check it out for very helpful pictures and information:




Weigh the amount of leaf you wish to enhance with DMT at the desired ratio.

Using leaf that is chopped to the consistency which it will be smoked at makes

life easier later on. Pictured is a mixture containing 4 grams of Calea leaf and 3.5 grams

of Brugmansia Sanguinea flower. Weigh the amount of freebase DMT needed to enhance your leaf

to the desired ratio. Thoroughly dissolve the freebase DMT (use about 40mL of solvent per gram

of DMT) in one of the following: 100% Ethyl Alcohol, Acetone or Isopropyl Alcohol.

You want to use a dish with a width that will allow your leaf to sit between 5-10mm high.

Add the leaf to the DMT saturated solvent and swirl it around so all the leaf is spread evenly on

the bottom of your dish. If you need to, add a little more solvent so that the leaf is well

covered. Place the dish somewhere where it will stay undisturbed for several days. It took

about four days for the Acetone to completely evaporate and the leaf to dry in this example

Once dry, the leaf can be weighed. It should be heavier by the amount of freebase DMT that

it is enhanced with.



Verder wil ik nog toevoegen dat ook wiet of hasj een leuke toevoeging kan zijn bij een Changa blend.



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Haha dat is zeker wel wat nuttige informatie om changa te maken, en de eerste geeft zeker meer indruk op wat je moet verwachten en de realiteit erachter, herken er veel dingen in :D


Changa zelf heb ik nog niet gerookt, maar wel DMT, zeer intense ervaring, en ikzelf had meer alien achtige ruimte ipv geometrische vormen. Ruimtes waar je doorheen vliegt en rare wezens met mooie kleuren en gedetailleerd ook! prachtig naar mijn mening.


Zelf 1 keer heftige trip gehad op dmt, buiten je lichaam treden, entiteiten (voor mijn gevoel :D ). Zo mooi maar moeilijk uit te leggen... Ik vind je moet het hebben geprobeerd om te weten hoe het is. Je kan je er niks bij voorstellen echt niet ;)


Greetz Skillz

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DMT, je zit in een achtbaan, dan ben jij de achtbaan, maar toch ineens het karretje. waarna je opeens het karretje en de achtbaan bent en alle mensen die erin zitten. En dan zie je tegelijk door de ogen van alle mensen de hele achtbaanrit. die eindigt in een glas water, waarbij de luchtbelletjes die je hoort "ploppen" overgaan in je hartslag die de basis is voor een vette electronische house beat


Stel je dat eensw voor zonder dat je besef hebt van de wereld waar je nu in leeft( je weet niet wat een achtbaan is).

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Changakruiden kunnen ook gebruikt worden in plaats van as waar de dmt op word gelegd,een laagje kruiden dan uw dmt.Iedere verschillende mix van kruiden geeft voor mij weer een iets andere trip.

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En wie heeft dit al eens gemaakt en geprobeerd?

Want er zijn toch wel heel veel voordelen en verschillen met DMT.


Je rookt het in een bong, die vervolgens ook doorgepass't kan worden aan anderen, dus samen trippen.

Kans op onder dosering of het verbranden van de DMT is minder aanwezig.

Toch kun je met changa zelf makkelijk doseren; bv om de minuut klein hijsje nemen, of na een breakthrough nog de bong leeghijsen en dus langer nagolven.....


Placebo of niet mensen ervaren de toevoeging van verschillende kruiden, dit is op zich al zeer interessant.

De toevoeging van MAOI bevattende kruiden of extracties zorgen voor een langere en vaak aangenamere doch intensere trip/ervaring!


Deze bump ik dus niet voor niets! Aan het werk jullie! :verrygood

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Hey Haxxorz,


Ik pak het op hoor :D


Ik heb 1 gram witte kristallen die ik ga mixen met Calea Zacatechichi, Blauwe lotus en Mullein en nog een Harmala. Ik ben op zoek naar Caapi bladeren, maar die zijn niet zo 1 2 3 te vinden.


Nog tips ?

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Hallo daar,


Ik ben bijna zover dat ik mn changa kan gaan maken.


Ik heb:

dmt kristallen


blue lotus

calea zacatechichi

en voor de MAOI heb ik red vine caapi bast.


Nu wil ik eerst een extract maken van de caapi door deze 2 weekjes in een solvent laten weken. In het aftreksel wil ik dan de kristallen oplossen en dan de kruiden erin en dan de hele boel laten opdrogen. Blue lotus er dan achteraf bij voor de kleur.


Wat zou ik hiervoor het beste kunnen gebruiken. Ik lees dat harmalin niet goed wordt opgenomen door aceton. Het beste zou pure ethanol zijn, maar dat is nergens te vinden in NL. Alleen ethanol met bitrex, of methanol. Zou 1 van deze geschikt zijn ? Of weet iemand een alternatief ?

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Heb paar dagjes terug ook weer eens changa gemaakt.

De foto toont 3 gr changa,hier volgt kleine beschrijving hoe die gemaakt werd.

benodigdheden:1000mg SPICE,500mg harmine,1000mg salvia divinorum,500mg passieflora,aceton.

De spice en harmine laten oplossen in aceton,éénmaal opgelost over het plantmateriaal gieten,goed roeren,laten uitdampen tot dat kurkdroog is,kleine indicatie is wegen,als je over je gewicht zit van alle toegevoegde materialen,bij deze dus 3000mg zit er nog aceton die moet uitgedampt worden.Als alles kurkdroog is en niet meer naar aceton ruikt laat ik het zeker nog een weekje openstaan.de witte stukken plant dat er tussen zit is passieflorabloem,die zijn er achteraf bijgevoegd om het wat extra kleur en diepgang te geven,één dezer word het magisch kruid getest,mmmm lookin forward to it

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Het klinkt goed. Ik vind dmt "vies en lastig in de omgang".


Kan je met changa ook echt de breakthrough halen? En verbrandt het merendeel van je dmt niet?



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vraag me af in hoeverre een chemische bewerking met acceton/harmine nog thuishoort in een topic genaamd:Paddo's en andere natuurlijke genots middelen...


al heb ik geen fucking idee wat harmine is :S

Edited by skunkmonster

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De zuivere aceton word volledig uitgedampt en laat geen resten na,harmine is 1 van de bestanddelen van Peganum harmala,beter bekend als syrische wijnruit.Door middel van extractiemethode is die harmine uit het zaad gehaald en omgezet naar vrije base zodat die rookbaar word.

changa roken is veel zachter dan dmt,dmt is direct van niets naar alles,terwijl je met changa een zachte overgang meemaakt,ideaal voor op de dansvloer :yummy:

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Heb paar dagjes terug ook weer eens changa gemaakt.

De foto toont 3 gr changa,hier volgt kleine beschrijving hoe die gemaakt werd.

benodigdheden:1000mg SPICE,500mg harmine,1000mg salvia divinorum,500mg passieflora,aceton.

De spice en harmine laten oplossen in aceton,éénmaal opgelost over het plantmateriaal gieten,goed roeren,laten uitdampen tot dat kurkdroog is,kleine indicatie is wegen,als je over je gewicht zit van alle toegevoegde materialen,bij deze dus 3000mg zit er nog aceton die moet uitgedampt worden.Als alles kurkdroog is en niet meer naar aceton ruikt laat ik het zeker nog een weekje openstaan.de witte stukken plant dat er tussen zit is passieflorabloem,die zijn er achteraf bijgevoegd om het wat extra kleur en diepgang te geven,één dezer word het magisch kruid getest,mmmm lookin forward to it



Geeft de spice en de salvia niet zoieso al een effect opzich?

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