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Prop 19 in Californië weggestemd

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SAN DIEGO — Proposition 19, which would have legalized marijuana in California and subjected it to a state tax, has failed.

Prop. 19 made national headlines, but the idea had almost no backing from organizations with the funding to mount a statewide campaign.

Law enforcement groups, politicians from both major parties, and the federal government had come down hard on the idea of legalizing marijuana.

Attorney General Eric Holder said the Obama administration would overtly enforce federal drug laws in California, even if the measure passed.

Actor Zach Galifianakis famously smoked a joint on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” Friday night to show support for the bill.

Proposition 19 would have made it legal for adults age 21 and over to possess an ounce of marijuana and to grow a small amount of it. Local governments would also be allowed to tax it and permit commercial cultivation.




Blijkbaar hebben ze het in Californië niet echt begrepen.

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helaas zijn alle broodkwekers tegen legalisatie om de illegale winsten (hoog) te houden. California had een goede start kunnen zijn voor een betere en vredige wereld.


dank je wel jongens en meisjes die het met The-Predator eens zijn, nu maar wachten tot de dag dat je (veel te) zwaar bestraft gaat worden door dit (soort) kabinet(ten) die lekker meeheulen met amerika. misschien dat The-Predator dan wel anders praat.


wil je weten hoe ik er over denk? -->De strijd tegen drugs: een moderne heksenjacht klik.


bekijk de film maar eens, dan wordt je duidelijk wat er achter steekt. je zou ook bijna genegen zijn om in het geprivatiseerde gevangeniswezen te gaan investeren met die hoge winsten! ...wat een vieze wereld leven we in!!!

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Ik ben niet tegen legalisatie, ik ben wel tegen het legaliseren voor de overheid...


Dat is een heel groot verschil.

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..legaliseren voor de overheid...


ok, leg uit want ik weet niet wat je hier mee bedoeld, sorry daarvoor.

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het is dus niet alleen legalisatie van de overheid, ik las net nog dat iedereen 2,25 m2 mag gebruiken voor de teelt. hier het nieuwsbericht



California pot legalization hopes go up in smoke


OAKLAND, California — Sobs and a chorus of boos mixed with the whiff of weed Tuesday night as supporters of California's marijuana-legalization initiative went down in defeat.



As of 10 p.m. Pacific time, results showed 56 per cent of voters rejecting Proposition 19 and 44 per cent supporting it with 16 per cent of precincts reporting.



But the pro-legalization forces vowed that the fight wasn't over and promised to come back in coming years with renewed vigour, not only in California but in other states as well.



"There's no way to reverse this. The momentum is on our side," said Vancouver resident Jodie Emery, wife of activist and self-styled "Prince of Pot" Marc Emery, who is serving time in a U.S. prison for selling marijuana seeds online.



Jodie Emery travelled to Oakland, the epicentre of the Yes to Prop. 19 campaign, to help make last-minute calls to voters and to deliver live webcam updates to viewers back home.



"Shame on the anti-(Prop.) 19 people," Emery yelled, momentarily livening a mostly subdued crowd. "We're Canadian and we're angry."



Emery joined throngs of legalization supporters — some of whom mugged for cameras by taking slow drags of marijuana — in the parking lot of Oaksterdam University, a trade school in downtown Oakland that teaches marijuana cultivation and commerce.



She and other legalization supporters blamed a surge of negative advertising and misinformation from the opposition camp in recent weeks for turning the tide.



But Dan Rush, a campaign supporter and representative of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, said the "yes" forces could also have done a better job of touting the tax-generation and job-creation benefits of legalization.



The defeat didn't come as a complete surprise. Polls had showed support for the marijuana initiative waning in recent days.



A yes vote would have meant that anyone 21 years and older could possess up to one ounce of marijuana and grow up to 2.25 square metres of marijuana.Local governments would also have been given the authority to tax and regulate the drug's cultivation and retail sale.



Fourteen years ago, the state became the first jurisdiction in North America to allow the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes.



The spectre of marijuana legalization in California prompted speculation in recent weeks that the marijuana industry in Canada, particularly in B.C., could be dealt a huge blow if the initiative had passed.



Marijuana production generates $3 to $4 billion in B.C. and much of the demand for "B.C. bud" comes from users south of the border, Darryl Plecas a professor at the University of the Fraser Valley in Abbotsford, B.C., has said.



Supporters of the initiative, who in recent weeks had included celebrities Danny Glover and Snoop Dogg, argued that legalization would help raise huge amounts of tax revenue, free up law enforcement resources to tackle more serious crimes, and generate agriculture, retail and textile jobs.



Emery said it would also have been a huge boost to tourism in California.



"Go to Disneyland. Go to a cannabis café," she said.



But opponents said widespread use of marijuana would lead to the use of more dangerous drugs and worsen the addiction problem and that legalization would run against federal laws.



Emery acknowledged that some California growers were also against Prop. 19 because they feared that prices would drop with a yes vote.



About an hour before polls closed, volunteers at the Yes to Prop. 19 headquarters sat at banks of cluttered desks and paced on their cellphones made frantic last-minute calls to voters.



Among them was Gayle Quin of Victoria, a longtime pot activist.



Quin, wearing a hemp-based tank top and skirt, said even if the initiative was defeated, no one could deny that support for legalization is growing.



The Harper government needs to see that the "world is changing," and keep up with the times, she said.



"I've been an avid cannabis advocate since I've been 13 and I'm getting tired of it — seeing people go to jail over a plant."




Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/life/Californi...l#ixzz14E4GrLBn

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..legaliseren voor de overheid...


ok, leg uit want ik weet niet wat je hier mee bedoeld, sorry daarvoor.



Dat je dan straks 'staats' wiet mag gaan kopen, leuke taxes erop en cashen.


Dat is wat ik niet zie zitten.


Laat het dan maar lekker zoals het is, wil je het hebben kom je er toch wel aan... en zoveel gezeur heb je nu ook weer niet met een paar planten voor eigen gebruik.

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toch zou ik het graag anders willen zien, gewoon een paar planten in de tuin en helemaal geen gezeur.


...je weet zolangzamerhand wel dat we amerika achterna hobbelen.... seeing people go to jail over a plant

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legalize it.


ik begrijp de broodkwekers ook wel,maar er worden nu al naheffingen van 277 duizend euro gegeven voor 255 planten(nieuws bericht staat in dit nieuws forum ergens).

zelfs nu worden(althans in rotterdam en omgeving)tot 5 planten direct in beslag genomen,en dat is niet tof voor de kleine eigen gebruik kwekers(zoals mij,ik kan weer heel leuk naar de shop een jaar lang met mn 5 planten).


en dat kan nog erger worden,dus ik vind dat het legaal moet worden ,dat vind ik belangrijker dan grote geld winsten maken.

bizar hoe een plant als wiet zo bedreigend is voor de regering,het zou ze veel geld kunnen kosten als wiet legaal is.

en aan de andere kant verdienen de grootkwekers nu bergen geld er mee.

en hoe de regering het volk dan voor liegt dat wiet evil is.....hoe krom en al is de leugen nog zo snel,de waarheid achterhaald hem wel :verrygood


Legalize it!



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Om eerlijk te zijn ben ik hier wel blij mee.


nou ik niet

.., godver

had zo mooi geweest he

wiet legaal in amerika

. erg jammer dit




ga toch wel door


met waar ik mee bezig ben .....


growen en blowen..

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