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Als ik toch de juiste man kon vinden... zou ik heel wat speciaal zaad kunnen maken... de fantasieen erover houden mij wel bezig... maar ik heb nog geen echte stappen richting een eigen kruising gemaakt...


Mijn wenslijstje van pollendonors:

1. Sage 'n Sour van TH Seeds

2. TrueBlueBerry van DJ Shorts

3. C99 van Bros Grimm


Heel belangrijk zijn de aromatische kwaliteiten en de man moet ook kristallen laten zien... wie heeft er een sterke man en wil er hier mee pronken?


De aftrap:



Super Silver Haze F2... van een bevriende grower op een ander forum...

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Helaas! Wel twee potent geurende Hindu Kush mannen staan (op een andere locatie). Ga zelf ook een top (kush) bevruchten binnenkort.

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Hi SativaBelieva, gaat het hier alleen om 't stuifmeel of snap ik je verkeerd?

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ik ben ook altijd op zoek sativa b.

nu op stal,

nog men sour diesel waar sour jack herer mee gemaakt is.

een kanjer g13-skunk van mrnice, dit heb ik nog nooit gezien, ikke blij.

sage n sour man vernietigd, maar ik heb er nog heel wat kruisingen mee.

2 amnesia mannen, een sativa(haze) en sterke indica,beiden :)

dan is er nog kahuna en pineapple punch, zonder doel deze twee.

G-black widow


We hadden veel zaden van soma, maar helaas hadden we meer dan 75% mannen op het einde.

3 mooie mannen gevonden toch wel :offtopic


no picas soz


blijven zoeken......


grdz e$ko.

Edited by e$kob@r

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We hadden veel zaden van soma, maar helaas hadden we meer dan 75% mannen op het einde.

3 mooie mannen gevonden toch wel :)


75% vrouwen had je toch?

Normaal gesproken zou ik met zo'n percentage juist blij zijn hehe maarja als je een man zoekt kan het natuurlijk beter omgedraaid zijn..

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nee hoor, we hadden geen goeie M/V verhouding.

Vorige soma zaadruns waren veel beter op dit vlak.

gewoon pech deze keer.

ik wilde zo graag zelf een goeie amnesia vinden, maar helaas zal ik maar uit een paar kunnen selecteren.

zelfde geld voor somango.

white light en kahuna zijn ietsje beter, maar dan weer geen hoofdoel ermee.


groets e$ko.

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Wow... Esko! Een super Amnesia man is veel waard!!


Zou je ons hier jaloers willen maken met een foto van die kanjer g13-skunk van mrnice? Please!

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Fotootje stuifmeelbom(originele) citral:




De plant ruikt echt ouderwets & smaakt ook naar de echte! :no (bovendien is ie supercompact!) :whistling


kusjes fotografe

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Dat zijn knoeperds van kerels.

Die van fotografe is gewoon geniaal :no :whistling


Ik zal mn S.m.M man eens neerzetten 1 dezer dagen.


greetz sannie

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S.m.M man in volle bloei







Lijkt me een geschikte kandidaat :P


greetz sannie

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Mooi is hij zeker, Sannie!... ik raak benieuwd naar zijn aromas en potentie... ben nog wat huiverig voor hermaneigingen in zijn nageslacht... of en hoe deze op Sour Diesel zou passen, geen idee... maar op die Shack van jou zullen wellicht minder hermakinderen volgen... wel het proberen waard...

aromas en uiterlijk X potentie en opbrengst

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ik had een lekkere man van s'n s maar die is weg. de kruising smaakte naar fucking fuel man, had een brokje ice gekregen van een kruising met ww en sns en ik rook soms iets verdachts olie-achtig... hehe toen viel mijn euro. heb nog 4 van die zaadjes over , wie weet.........zijn het allemaal vrouwen(wat niet slecht zou zijn)

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Ai moaner... da's jammer van die man, dat was wellicht een goede kandidaat voor een F2... 4 zaden geven niet zo'n grote selectie mogelijkheid, maar als je geluk hebt vind je wel een kampioene...


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Gave topic.

Ik wil dit jaar ook wat dingen kruisen en volgend jaar flink gaan selecteren.



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Wie nog stuifmeel van een mooie OB man wil hebben moet het nu of morgen zeggen, want ik sta op het punt de laatste schuiten die nog in het water stonden weg te gooien.

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Cool dudes... dat jullie elkaar hier gevonden hebben... proost, op een vruchtbare samenwerking!


Nu ff wat theorie... met een stuk tekst uit een artikel van DJ Shorts:


Selection process


Obviously, you seek the parents that will produce the desired progeny. Paradoxically, this process requires selecting the best after they've been harvested. The solution is to keep samples from each plant of a test crop. This can be done via rooted clones from earlier cuttings, or re-greened mothers and fathers kept in a vegetative state and a high-nitrogen diet. Once you have chosen among the harvested plants, you can use the rooted cuttings for future consideration and possible breeding.


Pollen may also be gathered and immediately stored via vacuum sealing and deep-freezing. It is crucial to vacuum seal and freeze pollen immediately after it is collected and to use stored pollen immediately after it thaws. Dry seeds also store well over indefinite periods of time in an undisturbed deep-freeze, with some desiccant.


This process of post-harvest selection works fine for selecting desired female plants. But what about males? What is the best and most simple way to select males for breeding? Due to the fact that it is the female plants that we are ultimately familiar with, selecting males is a bit more involved.


The process is basically the same as it is with female plants, except with males the numbers are first limited down via a process of elimination, and selections made by comparing the remainder. Selecting males also takes a little more time initially as the quality of the male is not fully determined until after the seeds it produces are grown out and tested. As one becomes more familiar with a particular strain, the specific characteristics of the desirable males become apparent.


Ideally, the more seeds one starts with the better. This is, after all, a numbers game. I will assume that any basic breeding project starts with at least 20 different plants, from 20 viable seeds of high quality, professionally stabilized varieties. This would give a minimum of 10 male and 10 female plants hopefully sexed by two weeks into a flowering light cycle (short day/long night).


Once sexed, the process of elimination may begin. All of the females are kept and regularly examined to prevent unwanted hermaphroditism. Unwanted males and all hermaphrodites must be eliminated before they begin to shed pollen – usually by the third week in the flowering cycle. The female plants need to be checked for hermaphroditism until harvest.


(A quick word on "backward" hermaphrodites – declared males that eventually sport female flowers – as opposed to the usual female-to-male hermaphrodites. These are semi-rare occurrences, usually sterile but sometimes viable, that I have found at times to be valuable in their genetic contributions. Some of the most resinous and desirable males I have encountered exhibited this trait. This trait almost seems to guarantee against unwanted hermaphroditism in subsequent generations as it also increases the female to male ratio in its progeny.)




A word needs to be said about the not-too-common probabilities of what I generally refer to as a recessive combination phenomenon. Sometimes, though not often, two parents that appear to express a common desirable trait – let's say a sweet/fruity bouquet – are crossed and the progeny do not express the desirable trait.


This usually means that one or both parents possessed some sort of recessive alleles in their genotype for this characteristic. But it could also mean that the progeny had a different environment that the parents.


If environment can be ruled out then it is likely that some sort of a genetic recessive combination is the cause. If none of the progeny express the desired characteristic one may want to cross the progeny with itself and see what the outcome is.


If a common "Punnet ratio" such as 25% of a progeny express the desirable trait, then the trait is more than likely recessive and the trait may be stabilized via crossing any two of the 25% (or whatever common ratio) that show the desired trait with each other. This process is time consuming and is generally followed only if no other alternatives exist.


Selecting males


I prefer to remove all of the males from the grow-room to a separate, isolated space shortly after they declare their sex and well before they begin to shed pollen. A small space lit with simple fluorescent light will suffice for the males for the next few weeks. During this time the female buds will fatten with more flowers while your collection of males is selected down.


I generally employ a simple process of elimination while selecting males. First, any auto-flowering or very early-declared males are eliminated. (Auto-flowering means that male flowers form regardless of light cycle timing.) This is mainly to insure against hermaphroditism or unwanted flowering traits, but also as a means to insure quality. The very early declared males have a tendency to be less desirable in terms of their contributions to the quality of the finished product. (If you are trying to specifically create an early-flowering strain, then your priorities may be different.)


Next, any male plant that grows too tall or too fast is usually eliminated. The reason for this is that most plants which dedicate so much energy to fiber production generally are best for making fiber. The exception to this rule is when an over-productive plant also exhibits a number of the desirable characteristics mentioned later.


The next criteria for elimination is borrowed from Michael Starks' book, Marijuana Potency, and involves stem structure. Large, hollow main stems are sought while pith-filled stems are eliminated. Backed by years of observation, I agree that hollow stems do seem to facilitate THC production.


Another consideration is the type of floral clusters that develop. Even on males, clusters which are tight, compact and yet very productive are desired over an airy, loose structure. These observations are most notable in the indoor environment. Outdoors, the differences in stem and floral structures are more difficult to discern.


The next and perhaps most important characteristic to examine is that of odor, flavor and trichome development. Again, the females will prove themselves by their finished product, but the males are a bit trickier.


Usually begin with a Sativa female and an Indica male. It has been my observation that the females primarily contribute the type of flavor and aroma and the males contribute the amount of flavor and odor. The "Sativa/Indica" aspects of this formula are mainly apparent in the P1 or very early filial crosses (to about f3). Beyond the f3 generation the apparent "Sativa/Indica" ratio in a given individual is less important than the odor/flavor and trichome development aspects it exhibits. Therefore, one of the main aspects to consider when selecting a male is the depth of its aroma and flavor. (If you are seeking to develop a low-odor indoor strain you might wish to begin with a low-odor Sativa male and an Indica female.)


With the remaining males I usually employ an odor/flavor test. Using males at least two or three weeks into the flowering cycle (and preferably beyond if a separate, isolated space is being used), a sort of "scratch-and-sniff" technique is first employed. With clean, odor-free fingers, gently rub one plant at a time, on the stem where it is well developed and pliable, above the woody part and below the developing top (approximately at the spot where a clone would be cut). The newer leaves at their halfway point of development may also be rubbed and sniffed.


These are the places that the earliest chemical signatures of a developing plant present themselves, and it is our intent to gently disturb these chemicals and inspire an odor/flavor reaction on the fingers and on the plant. By examining these various aromas in this way one may be able to determine certain desirable (and also undesirable) characteristics. After clearing one's palate and refreshing one's fingers, another plant may be tested.


The finalists are best compared for at least a week and at different times of day, to determine who performs best over a period of time.


A few of the "good" aromas which I have found to be associated with both male and female high quality cannabis are: sweet, floral, fruity, berry, wine/brandy, other savory spirits, skunky and spearmint. Some of the "bad" aromas associated with both male and female cannabis are: grassy, chlorophyll (green), celery, parsley, carrots, cinnamon, pepper-mint or wintergreen, gear-oil and gasoline. Some of the aromas that are considered "good" from females but not necessarily from males are: woody, cedar, pine, citrus, tropical fruit, chocolate, vanilla, coffee, garlic and astringent.




Net als vrouwtjes selecteer je mannetjes op geur, smaak en de trichome ontwikkeling... dat is bij mannetjes iets moeilijker dan bij vrouwtjes... verdere tips voor het vinden van de juiste man: gooi eerst alle afwijkende extremen die je niet zoekt weg... ook de autoflowers gooi je weg... maar in tegenstelling tot vrouwtjes, kan een man met lichte hermaneigingen zeer gewilde eigenschappen dragen... een holle stam heb ik ook al vaker als goede kwaliteitskenmerk gehoord... maar een uiteindelijk kan een man zich slechts door zijn nageslacht bewijzen... daarmee blijft kruisen een proces van trial-and-error... doch zijn het vaak de vrouwtjes die het type aroma vastleggen voor het nageslacht en de mannetjes die de sterkte van dat aroma bepalen... check ook de 'goede' aromas volgens DJ Shorts...

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Daytripper heeft een andere standpunt over mannen met hermaneigingen... ik dacht dat DJ Shorts een kundige breeder was... en dat zijn TBB een van de meest interessante soortjes zou zijn voor een selectie van een top mannetje... zou ik dit nu moeten heroverwegen?


"A male hermie has the same value as a female hermie.If your breeding for hermies by all means use it." - daytripper


"nobody should breed for hermies - period . " - fjällhöga


>>>> I agree, if a person uses hermies then they are breeding for hermies. In other words " no one should use hermies for breeding ".


"thanks for the replies guys. seems to be fair bit of disagreement on this one. Its interesting that DJ shorts likes to use them and his strains are known to have very low hermie rates. The Thai he used in his original cross was very hermaphroditic too and he has successfully bred out this trait while using hermie pollen. Not sure..." - ezra -


>>>>>The reason why DJ can use a herm in a breeding venture is because he knows their are ways to "hide" and even remove the herm genes by selecting the right mates to the herms. Herms can be hid / camoflauged in 1 generation but it takes more to eliminate them.


Breeding out female herm tendencies requires male plants that are classified as type 1 males. For more info read "Advances in Hemp Research ". Probably cost $90 - 100, bought is so long ago I don't remember. I would post that info but" know it alls" told me I was " out there" or even making up things , so I deleted those posts, deleting knowledge. Sorry Ezera but I can assure you if I posted all I know on this subject I would be argueing with 6th grade graduates.


"DJ uses seed bearing males which are much less common than males that produce sterile calyxes. I'm thinking males that produce sterile calyxes posess the same gene for intersexed traits as a female dom hermaphrodite. The seed bearing males do seem to produce male dominant hermaphrodites in their offspring also but it seems to no effect the mostly female plants." - zamalito


>>>>>Zamalito its more than 1 gene and these " genes " are connected to various hormone production. I could tell you all exactly but..... I posted that 1 time and deleted it out of anger at the whole community for refusing to learn.

You know the kind of guys that tell you " modify you carburetor and you can run your car/ internal combustion enigine on water" but they do not understand water won't burn.


The sterility of males that produce a few pistills is rarely genetic but instead a miscarriage/ abortion caused by the dying male releasing ethylene, a plant hormone that is produced in great quanity in dying plants , cut flowers and fruit that has been picked.

Chemical sprays that abort fruit via ethylene are the oldest greenhouse chemicals in use today. They can do many things in the hands of some one who knows how to use them. They may also be used to produce seeds crops that are mostly male among other uses.


Using these has plenty of effect as they carry the code for increased ethylene production, suppressing the female herm genes in the following generation. You won't know this plant carried herm genes because the increased ethylene production suppressed herms.


You sure as hell will know when you grow out those seeds that plant produced, or who ever buys them.


Ok if you are only after money or " you make and sell seeds for production only" in other words you do not intend that your seeds be used for breeding.


Does DJ make seeds to be grown for production or breeding stock? Don't answer, retorical question.


I'd love to tell more but spoon feeding is for babys, if you want to grow pick up your spoon and feed yourself.


Don't take my post personal, I have no people skills.


Later babes.

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